With a Samsung Smart TV you can install multiple apps, watch a number of films and series on Netflix or use it more friendly than the Toggo app. Whatever apps you use, you can check them out in one of the next steps.

If you want to make these links, you can use a facility that prevents our redaktionelle Arbeit from being carried out. The price for this problem cannot be solved. These affiliate links are a fact Gekennzeichnet symbol. More information.

Before you can install apps, you need to connect your Samsung device to internet connections and euch with eurem Samsung account log in. Then follow the next thesis, there are apps that you can install and uninstall.

Samsung Smart TV: a list of available apps

I follow the most likely apps for Samsung TVs. Dazu heard:

Samsung: So install your apps on Smart TV

Um Apps such as the “Google Play Store”, Netflix or Toggo to install, useful in this regard “Samsung SmartHub“. Dazu is the one who follows:

  1. Drückt auf der Fernbedienung die Home-Taste (kleines Haus symbol).

  2. Wählt „Apps“out.

  3. I am oberen rights Bildschirmrand sucht ihr mit dem Lupen symbol after desired apps.

  4. It’s a fact App names ein, die ihr herunterladen wollt – etwa „Toggo“ or “Google Play Store“. In this Beispiel the app is Netflix.

  5. View the app and „Install“aus, um sie herunterzuladen.

  6. Wählt danach „Offen“The app is also started.

  7. Drückt (mehrmals) die Zurück-Taste op de Fernbedienung, een wieder zum Startbildschirm zurückzukehren.

You can use the Lupen Symbol on the right (left Bild) and then after the desired app (right Bild). (Bildquelle: samsung.com)You can use the Lupen Symbol on the right (left Bild) and then after the desired app (right Bild). (Bildquelle: samsung.com)
You can use the Lupen Symbol on the right (left Bild) and then after the desired app (right Bild). (© samsung.com)

Samsung TV: Separate apps

  1. Drückt die Home-Taste and what the hellApps“out.

  2. Wählt am oberenrechten Bildschirmrand das Zahnrad symbol for the settings aus.

  3. Wählt de App austhat you uninstall.

  4. Best with „Entfernen“, um, the app is loose.

  5. Drückt die Zurück-Taste op de Fernbedienung, een menu wieder zu verlassen.

Here the Netflix app is uninstalled and “Entfernen” is deleted. (Bildquelle: samsung.com)Here the Netflix app is uninstalled and “Entfernen” is deleted. (Bildquelle: samsung.com)
Here the Netflix app is uninstalled and “Entfernen” is deleted. (© samsung.com)

Samsung Smart TV: App Store is working, and no apps can be installed

If you don’t get any further, go to Samsung Support:

More helpful tips for a Samsung search in the following video feed:

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